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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Some Background is in Order

So - to give you an idea of the depth of my not-readiness, here's silly old me in the past year.
Summer '10 = I just got back from Tanzania, was all RAH RAH and hit the ground running. My KTE form was shitty, but so what! I felt pretty invincible.

(then I found out in July I was ermmmm 'expecting.')

Fall '10 = I was pretttty pregnant and shuttling between DC and Bmore, but goddangit, I wasn't about to let the belly couch-potatify me!

Winter'10 = belly was front and center but I could still run and lift a little... I even had obliques! :) (this is hubby appreciating my obliques...I think)

Spring '11 - baby happened and I turned into THIS. Overnight. :
....PROBLEMATIC.... soooooo... Need to get back in the game for Tough Mudder, stat.

What's This?

I'm signed up (in blood) to do the VA Tough Mudder event in Oct. For those of you unfamiliar with this particular gladiator-training event:
Basically, it's tough and there will be mud.

The truth: I'm not ready and going to GET ready. This blog is here to track my progress and..well...keep me honest.

(If you're reading this, you're either coming with me (Frank, Nikki, Sarah!) or checking in to giggle at my suffering. If the latter, watch out - I will find you and sign you up. Especially if your last name is WADHWANI...)